Mr Daya is Medical Director and Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon of the Corneo Plastic Unit and Eye Bank at the Queen Victoria Hospital NHS Trust, East Grinstead.
He is a renowned expert in the field and ranks in our list of the 10 best laser eye surgeons, based on thousands of patient reviews on Lasik Eyes since 2002.
In 1996, Mr Daya founded the Centre for Sight – a high-end provider at the forefront of laser eye surgery, laser lens replacement, cataract and corneal transplants.
But is he the right surgeon for you? Finding a laser eye surgeon you feel happy with is always a personal choice. If you would like a second opinion, Lasik Eyes is making it easy to find a trusted ophthalmologist in your areas, and helps readers book a free consultation with an eye expert to discuss your options.
☝ To find a top-rated laser eye surgery clinic near you, feel free to use our simple quote tool, and receive a tailored match and quote from a clinic you can trust.
1. Qualifications
After graduating from the Royal College of Surgeons in 1984 Mr Daya completed an internship at the Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast, Northern Ireland.
He then completed his training in the United States completing residencies at NY Downtown Hospital (1985 to 1988) and the Catholic Medical Centre at Cornell University (1988 to 1991). He went on to become the Director of Cornea and External Disease at the Catholic Medical Centre.
Today, Mr Daya serves on numerous committees, including:
- The Medical Advisory Board of the Eye Bank Association of America
- Cornea committees of both European and American Societies of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ESCRS, ASCRS)
- International Council for UK on the International Society of Refractive Surgery (ISRS)
- Refractive sub committee of the ESCRS and the Royal College of Ophthalmologists
- Board of Directors of the Cornea Society (USA)
2. Expertise
Mr Daya is a non-London based entry onto the list of the 10 best laser eye surgeons, shortlisted thanks to thousands of patient reviews on Lasik Eyes since 2002.
What’s more, Mr Daya was the first to perform LASIK laser vision correction in the UK, and he has become an expert in the field. As well as serving on the committees mentioned above, he has also appeared as an expert on a number of TV programs, including some on the BBC and ITV.
In addition to expertise in Laser refractive surgery, Mr Daya is internationally renowned for his work in stem cell transplantation (featured on BBC, ITV, Sky News, ABC News USA etc.), corneal transplantation and refractive cataract surgery.
3. The Centre for Sight
The Centre For Sight was set up because Mr Daya was disgruntled with how many private eye care centres were run. He as on a mission to provide patients with world class medical care.
He built the Centre for Sight as a “Centre of Excellence” in refractive surgery, providing the utmost in preoperative and postoperative care and first class levels of training for other surgeons and nurses throughout the country.
The Centre for Sight was the UK’s first provider of Intralase, the femtosecond laser used for cutting flaps in Lasik rather than bladed keratomes. This increases the safety of Laser vision correction, and provides better outcomes, according to the Royal College of Ophthalmologists (RCO).
4. Patient Reviews for Sheraz Daya
Here are some recent independent customer reviews left on Lasik Eyes for Mr Daya:
I am very happy with my experience at the centre and would recommend them to all my friends and family. Now after my surgery, my dream is to enjoy the rest of my life without the need for spectacles. – Christopher Michel
5 stars, excellent surgeon, excellent facility. Overall experience was fantastic. A very sleek and professional service all round. Very friendly atmosphere. Would do it again! Will certainly recommend Centre for Sight. – Madeleine Edwards-Cook
Fantastic Experience! Staff at Centre for Sight were amazing. Dr Sheraz Daya is great. My vision is better than 20/20. It has been life changing. The results have given me freedom, and they have been better than expected. This is the ‘New Me’ and I feel ecstatic! – Jenny Kingsford
5. The Verdict
So, is Mr Daya the right eye surgeon for you? Of course, that all depends on where you live, and what you’re looking for.
Mr Daya has been at the forefront of his profession for while. That said having his practice in East Grinstead means you might be suited to someone a little closer to you.
With eye surgery considered a safe elective surgery by the General Medical Council (GMC), there are plenty of quality surgeons and clinics to choose from – and you’ll want to meet them before deciding.
☝ To find a top-rated laser eye surgery clinic near you, just click here to use our simple quote tool, and receive a tailored match and quote from a clinic you can trust.
Mr Sheraz Daya Reviews
Tony Murphy
Having worn glasses/contact lenses for about 30 years now (and being VERY short-sighted, approx -12 with double astigmatism) it's fair to say that I was apprehensive and a little put off by the "bad news" stories about laser surgery.Thankfully, I put the concerns aside and went ahead with the surgery 3 weeks ago (Centre For Sight, East Grinstead). Mr Daya and all of his staff were very helpful, informative and above all professional. The fact that one of Mr Daya's own staff has had the treatment is very reassuring.The results of my surgery are excellent - I've even found myself putting my eye drops on my pillow so that I don't forget that I have no lenses to take out! At the consultation stage Mr Daya was keen to ensure that our expectations of the results were the same - to be honest I'm not sure I expected it to be this good!Would I recommend the CfS - without doubt, why take chances when there are surgeons like Mr Daya and his team around.
Brian Price
I visited Mr Daya at The Centre for Sight after the surgery performed by my original clinic failed to provide the results promised in their glossy brochure. I cannot fault the customer service, surgeon or indeed the post-surgery care provided by the original clinic as they at all times gave me their utmost attention and worked with me to find a solution to my problems. The Centre for Sight took up the challenge and provided me with an un-rivalled level of service which I have no problem commending to all. Although I am not out of the woods yet I would still like to extend a big thank you to The Centre for Sight & the support staff in general, and Mr Sheraz Daya in particular, for the care and attention afforded to me over the last few days.
Dr Nick Webborn
As a doctor I was very careful to select where I had my procedure performed. I reckoned that a hospital that treats diseases of the cornea must have a healthy respect for it. I wanted to know success rate/complication rates etc. I asked how many ophthalmologists had been operated on. These are the important questions! I could see about 6/60 6/36 prior to the procedure and now have 6/3 6/4 vision! Amazing! With the Zywave I have no distortion or haze and great night vision. I was able to go in to work the day after the procedure and drove to my check up that evening. I have just completed my last check up and apart from mild dryness which is improving monthly I have been impressed and amazed by the results.
Neleen Esmail
I had laser surgery in March this year, after years of considering it and reading up about it, I finally took the plunge. No regrets!!!I went from -10 to perfect vision!!! I wish I had done it earlier. I do feel I have total freedom now. I am thankful thatI found the best surgeon around. Thank you Mr Daya.
Balbir Singh
I recently had Wavefront surgery to correct my rare condition of a lop sided cornea and also to improve my vision. The operation was performed by Mr Daya. I was extremely impressed with Mr. Daya and his team. The level of professionalism shown was second to none. Before I was advised to contact Mr Daya about my problem, I had travelled all over England to meet with at least four other eye specialists, all of whom had absolutely no idea how to help me. And yet Mr. Daya diagnosed my defect within our first consultation, and within a month the operation was complete. Now my vision is perfect and the operation itself was completely painless and left me with no discomfort whatsoever. So once again I would like to thank everyone at Centre for Sight.
Eve Dooley
CRYSTALENS - Having worn glasses (which I hate and just can't get on with) and contact lenses for over 18 years I decided to investigate the possibility of having laser eye surgery. I am far sighted (+3.50 and +3.75)with slight astigmatism. After a lot of research on the internet and much thought I decided to book a consultation at The Centre for Sight with Mr Daya. The initial tests were mindboggling so very thorough. Finally I got to see Mr Daya and he explained to me that I had the beginings of a cataract in my left eye and that although I was a suitable candidate for laser surgery I may need to have a further operation for the cataract to be removed at a later date, also I may still need glasses for reading with the laser surgery. He then explained to me that I could have the CRYSTALENS a replacement lens that works naturally with your eye muscles to give you the quality of vision you enjoyed when you were much younger. The revolutionary new design includes “hinges,” which allow the lens to move, to focus on objects near, far, and at all distances in-between. I decided to go ahead with having the CRYSTALENS implanted in both eyes. On Monday 11th July I had my left eye done it took about 10 minutes and was absolutely painless....Mr Daya and all the staff were brilliant...I was sent home with a patch covering my eye that I removed the following morning ....WOW I just couldn't believe the vision I had I could even read the newspaper (with a bit of a struggle)I had to put drops in my eye 4 times a day and follow a few golden rules. Now its 12 days later no glasses at all and I can read the newspaper clearly , which is just wonderful (I was told for near vision it could take up to 3 months).Why choose Mr Daya, The Centre for Sight is more expensive than most, but Mr Daya is simply the best, has the best qualifications, and I think my eyes deserve that...I cannot recommend him highly enough. On Monday I am having my right eye done and will report back then.
Kevin Inch
On 15/06/05 I had Intac implants in my right eye to finish a process we started last August with my left eye. I suffer from Keratoconus and Mr Daya and his wonderfull team (Peter, MiMi, Sheila and all the rest) have given me the chance to shortly live a normal life again. I cannot recomend highly enough The Centre For Sight, no word's can. The treatment and care I have received is of a level so high that other hospital's and surgeons should be aspiring to be at this level. All I can say is Thank you Mr Daya and team, you are a beacon of hope to so many people, and long may that remain.
Linda Howels
Having had the Herpes Virus three times in my right eye, the first time when I was 18, (I am now 57) I was declared a hopeless case when it came to Laser Eye Surgery.I had been left with scarring in my eye due to it having been cauterised to remove what was a cold sore in my eye.( Nowadays they use drugs) this left me with two very different eyes, the left was short sighted and the right eye was long sighted with scarring which had caused double vision. I managed for many years with contact lenses, but in recent years I was having various problems, including dry stinging eyes and also having to pay a small fortune for bi-focal lenses. It was actually breaking one of these very expensive lenses that eventually made me take the plunge. I had recently read an article in a newspaper that The Centre for Sight had an excellent track record on treating awkward cases like mine and decided that I’d give it a go.Why did I not make this decision years ago, I had my surgery on the 4th August achieving near perfect vision almost immediately. I wakened up the next day and was amazed at being able to see so perfectly, I was also able to tackle the long journey to CFS on my own without any problem. I am absolutely thrilled at the new world that has opened up for me; it is like I have had my lights switched after being in the dark for years.Mr Daya and his whole team were very professional and caring, nothing being too much trouble for anyone especially Linda and Natasha. Linda actually phoned me at eight o’clock on the evening of my surgery to see how I was doing (She had been at work from 8:30 that morning) Thank you everyone at Centre for Sight.*** Editors Comment ***It is great to learn of this excellent outcome in an abnormally shaped cornea. Linda Howels has obtained a good visual outcome with no sequelae from her underlying condition. Mr. Daya is a corneal specialist and has the expertise to deal with this type of condition. He was obviously comfortable in treating this lady with Zyoptix wavefront. She has had to be treated with specific medications pre and postoperatively and her treatment was certainly not a regular “run of the mill” Lasik procedure. After some discussion, with Mr. Daya, and Linda Howels, we felt it would be appropriate and in the interest of browsers to indicate that Herpes simplex is a relative (not absolute) contraindication to Laser vision correction and treatment only be conducted in certain circumstances – please inform your surgeon if you have ever had Herpes simplex virus affect your eye before embarking on treatment.
John D Samaras
Mr Daya carried out the Lasik procedure on me on Monday, November 28th after first seeing me at his London clinic on the previous Friday. I was very short sighted with astigmatism and suffered from dry red eyes due to years of abuse on my eyes by irresponsible use of contacts. I had -5 on both eyes and Mr Daya after thorough testing of nearly four hours to verify that I was a candidate gave me the good news that I could have the lasik treatment. He advised me of what the treatment will entail and also advised mre that due to my age (44 yrs) this treatment would probably compromise my near sight. On the Monday I went into the Laser room at 1700 hrs and within 10 minutes it was all over. I was surprised at how quick the whole procedure took and how painless it was and that there were no needles!! On checking the next day I had better than 20/20 on both eyes. It is now nearly one month and I have never been happier that I have disposed of my glasses (and surprisingly) still do not need reading glasses. Mr Daya is highly gifted and I would recommend him to anyone one wholeheartedly. He and his staff are professionals and take tremendous care of their patients. Thank you Mr Daya
Mr Daya is the best and I could not thank him more for getting my mams vison back